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Hanami celebrations in Japanese culture

Hanami (hana wo miru = flower viewing) or ohanami is a Japanese tradition of enjoying the beauty of flowers, especially cherry blossoms. Blossoming cherry blossom is a symbol of happiness has been the arrival of spring. In addition, it also means hanami picnic with a mat to eat eat- party under the cherry tree.

The delegation-by-delegation picnic on a mat and sit under the cherry trees for fun together, drinking sake, eat Japanese food, and others like a garden party. Everything is fun. There was a family group, there is a group of companies, organizations, schools and others.

According to historical records, hanami habits influenced by Chinese kings who liked to plant plum trees around their castles. In Japan the bangsawanpun then start enjoying the flowers Ume (plum). But in the 8th century or awalperiode Heian, the object of interest shifted to enjoy the cherry blossoms. It is also claimed that the era of King Saga in Japan used to love throwing a party in the park hanami Shinsenendi Kyoto. The nobleman enjoy hanami in their various palaces, and farmers the time to do it by climbing a nearby mountain in early spring to enjoy the cherry blossoms that grow there while `do not forget to bring food for lunch. Until now hanami become an ingrained habit throughout Japanese society and has been accepted as one of the peculiarities of his people. Lodging in the Kansai region and western Japan, places of excellence for air-hanami is Arashiyama in Kyoto, Yoshino in Nara, garden and park around OsakaCastle Shukugawa in Nishinomiya, Hyogo Prefecture.
Hanami celebrations in Japanese culture

Time of blooming cherry blossoms on the tree varies from one region to another, starting from the far south. But the average bloom from late March to early April (except in Okinawa and Hokkaido). Thus the party and enjoy the cherry also looked at different time from one region to another. Forecasts movement called the cherry blossom front line of cherry blossoms (sakurazensen). This forecast was issued by the directorate of meteorology and the various bodies that deal with the weather. While doing hanami somewhere is when all the cherry trees are in that place flowers already in bloom all.

But lately the tradition of hanami a negative impact. Many Japanese people are drunk and the number of accidents has increased. Parks became a mountain of garbage. At the moment it looks awareness hanami orderly trash becomes faded. Too bad. But on the other hand, as a `hanami break` short of strike lives of the Japanese people. Hanami is also a valuable lesson for children about nature and tradition.

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