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Special Features Some Plants

Special Features Some Plants
Plants are special features are all different from one another, these traits are basically plants to survive. that for humans these characteristics to differentiate between the types. The characteristics of typical plants as follows.
  • Hollow stems.
  • Capable of removing the stench.
  • The leaves are wide and thin.
  • Roots breath.
  • Thick stems.
  • Prickly stems.
  • Deciduous.

Here are a few plants with specific characteristics.

Plant Roses
The special characteristics of the rose is a thorny stem, this may serve to defend themselves from natural enemy of the roses, the other characteristics of this plant is to have a single root system or even with a single root.

The characteristics of the cactus plant
Cactus plant is a plant that lives in areas where rainfall is minimal. Then the cactus has a thick trunk like a cork is to equip them to survive, this function for water storage. and Plant cactus also has small leaves that resemble thorns, this is also beneficial to not much reduce the water on a cactus.

Plant bag Semar has a distinctive feature, ie they have a fluid whose function is to digest its prey is insects. This plant is a plant that has leaves insect-like pouches that are used to digest insects.

Daughter plants Shame
Named by daughter embarrassed by this plant when it touched the leaves will close like a bashful, shy daughter thorny plant stem to the defense of natural enemies.

Plants Lotus
This plant is one plant hydrophyt ie plants that can adjust to the environment in his life, namely water, the special characteristics of this plant is to have a leaf width is to assist and facilitate the evaporation of water, and the trunk has cavities where air storage order These plants can float in water.

Water hyacinth
This together with the lotus, hyacinth hyacinth plants have leaf stalks are hollow serves to float on the water surface.

Reflesia and carrion flowers
Corpse flower is a flower which emit foul odors such as the smell of dead, this serves to lure the flies that landed on the corpse flower and fly-lata can help the process of pollination. this is the special characteristics of the corpse flower.

Sunflower plants
Sunflower plants have flowers that resemble the sun to the color yellow, and follow the direction of the sun, this plant can grow well in areas that have enough sunlight to carry the life.

Bamboo Plant characteristics
The characteristics of the bamboo plant is spines and feathers that itch can serve from enemy interference.

Bakau Plant
Mangroves have special characteristics that have served to root breath breathing apparatus when the plant is flooded.

Here are some plants with specific characteristics that live in some places with unique characteristics. and also there are many other plants that have special characteristics and its vegetation is different.

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