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Soursop leaves and Benefits

Soursop plant is a plant that grows in tropical areas, taste the fruit is sweet and slightly sour, and many like it, can be fed directly when fresh and can also make juice, the fruit can be eaten when ripe. The fruit are lumps are like a thorn in the growth of a rare, but not until punctured because of its soft spines. The fruit is great for thrush medicine and leaves are also many health benefits.
Soursop leaves and Benefits

The leaves of the soursop As cancer drug
Soursop leaves can be used to prevent and treat cancer, is based on research and soursop are proactive agents that can kill cancer cells, these substances are able to kill cells which are good and which ones are not good cells. Soursop leaves is very good in use as a cancer drug, and is higher than the chemotherapy.

This can be done by taking leaves of the soursop leaves boiled water every morning and evening routine in a few weeks, by drinking boiled water soursop leaves a couple of weeks then your body will feel light, and also should be in consultation with a physician.

Can Treat Hemorrhoids
Soursop leaves is also useful as a drug hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids is a disease that attacks the anus and swelling, and hemorrhoids can be cured with leaves of the soursop, soursop leaves to stop bleeding of the rectum, and can make the muscles Nearby anus relax and swelling will be reduced, with this This disease can be overcome with soursop.

Soursop leaves can Treat Gout disease
Gout one of the diseases caused by sufferers consuming foods that contain purines are many, for those who suffer from this disease eat one cope with soursop leaves, this can be done by drinking boiled water soursop leaf while warm and can also be cure diabetes mellitus.

Lowering Cholesterol
From some of the information mentioned that soursop leaf is able to overcome the bad cholesterol in the blood, the soursop leaves contain substances that can lower cholesterol levels in a person's body.

Soursop leaves for Treating Acne
Soursop leaves can be used to treat acne, it can be used the way wham soursop leaves until smooth and add a little water, then stick to the face that often appeared acne, wait a while to seep its contents on your face and rinse with warm water. It has been in use since the first to be used as skin beauty.

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