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Benefits and Benefits betel leaf for Health

Betel leaf plant is a plant whose leaves its traditional chewed with betel nut and lime simultaneously. When people chew betel leaves most of her teeth and gums stay healthy until they are older. This is because in the betel leaves are antiseptic useful for teeth and bacteria that would damage teeth not stand as such.

Betel leaves are also used by women to overcome vaginal discharge and also to tighten the sex organs in women, and also eliminates odors on femininity. Thus because of the betel leaves are antiseptic and anti-microbial.
Benefits and Benefits betel leaf for Health

In the betel leaves are antiseptic that can solve the problem of teeth, bad breath and body odor, skin infections, itching, bleeding, vaginal discharge and aphrodisiac.

If you do not know about the betel leaves and betel plant can be read here.

Benefits and Betel Leaves For Health Benefits

Betel leaf plants can treat toothache, bleeding gums, bad breath and canker sores
This plant is able to cope with such a case, how can be done by rinsing with boiling water and, then toothache, swollen gums, bad breath mouth ulcer by itself will disappear, while rinsing with boiled water betel leaves bad breath odor will disappear.

Can cure vaginal discharge
This can be done by drinking boiled water betel leaves by way of take enough fresh betel leaf and boiled in drinking water and be left a little to wash the female organs.

Help with irregular periods
By drinking boiled water betel leaf, it can help overcome the problem of irregular periods.

Can treat burns
With betel leaves are also able to overcome the burn, how to heat the betel leaves to wilt and then placed on the burn, perhaps with an antiseptic contained in betel leaves will cure the infection and burns will be immediately cured.

In the event of nosebleed one that can cope with betel leaf, the way in case of a nosebleed then gulungkan betel leaves and plugged on the nose can overcome the problem of nosebleeds.

Can cope with itching
One of the properties of betel leaf can overcome the problem of itching on the skin, this can be done by applying a betel leaf collision on the part of itching, the itching will disappear by itself.

Betel leaf plants also contain antioxidants that can eliminate the effects of free radicals from the body.

Overcoming Constipation
Also on the betel leaf is a diuretic, it can help treat sumbelit.

Can reduce inflammation naturally
Cantohnya natural inflammation caused by acne, it can be solved with betel leaves, how to attach collision betel leaf inflamed spot.

Coughing and breathing problems
Betel leaf decoction can also help relieve cough, and also can make as asthma medication.

Controlling diabetes
At the antidiabetic properties of betel leaf there is one that can be used as a home remedy for diabetes control.

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