Feel your heart, whether you know it well? The heart that one organ that gives you life, life support and she worked very hard for you.
We know that the heart is in charge of sending the blood, has 4 booths and continue pumping throughout our lives. But you know, there are many other heart facts. These facts reveal how great heart and make you more thankful, this is proof of the greatness of God's creation.
Reported by factslides.com, here's 10 facts about the heart that is not known to many people:
- Every day, your heart produces the same energy as a truck driving 32 km.
Lumps you will continue to pulsate even though she was out of the body. This is because the heart has its own electrical movement.
- 75 billion cell in your body receives blood that is sent from the heart. Only the cornea is not.
- Getting an orgasm at least three times each week would cut in half the risk of developing coronary heart disease.
- In total, the total blood pumped lifetime of your heart enough to fill 200 railroad cars of oil.
- Compared to the first chest pain, a heart attack in women more often begins with symptoms of nausea, indigestion and shoulder pain.
- Your heart beats 100,000 times each day.
- Maintaining a cat can lower the risk of heart attack and stroke by more than 33 percent. This is the result of a study.
The latest -Research shows that drinking multivitamins may increase the risk of cancer and heart disease.
- Your heart rate can change depending on what song you're listening.
Those are some facts about the heart that can make you realize just how magical these organs. Take care of your heart, because the role is very important for life.
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