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Mimosa plant

Mimosa plants is one of the unique plant, when it touched its leaves will close as know that the danger came to him, and this is merely sebantar alone, and within a few minutes then the leaves will recover to normal. Mimosa is a plant of the family Fabaceae (legumes). This plant is easy to recognize because this plant when touched on its leaf will quickly close it or wilted, actually another plant of the same Family few can also do it, but not the same as this plant.

A plant that is also known by several names of them, the West Indies "mori vivi" Philippines, "makahiya" means shame, Sinhala "nidikumba" means sleep, Tonga "mate-loi" means pretending to be dead, His name in Chinese means "grass-shy". Pudica word in Latin that means "shame" or "shrink".

Mimosa plant

Mimosa leaves when the plant closes at the touch because it is caused by turgor pressure, the bone leaves, this can also be felt by the other leaves even though we did not touch. Motion on this plant is called the seismonasti. Mimosa leaves of the plant also will shut down when night falls and will open again when it's day.

Mimosa Plant thorny plant stem, this is what I do not like this plant, sometimes when we walk on the grass and we forget with slippers, when keinjak this plant our feet must hurt thorns pierced, because this plant thorny stem.

Mimosa plant there is also a beautiful flower, usually colored purple flowers and round, and the flowers do not have the crown and petals, and a beautiful flower good in view of the eye. This plant also has smaller fruit than other plants, and the seeds are enclosed in the fruit, the seeds are small and round. Mimosa planti one of the plants that reproduce by seeds and plants spread, sometimes grown with grass.

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