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Rabu, 26 Maret 2025 10:33:15 PM

Unique, World's Smallest Monkey, Pygmy Marmoset

 Unique, World's Smallest Monkey, Pygmy Marmoset
Did you know that there are different types of monkeys se size of human fingers ,? yaa following course I will share about the smallest monkey in the world, which is called the Pygmy Marmoset, it seems strange and unique because it is usually the size of a monkey striking and everything is big, but Pygmy Marmoset is the smallest and funny.
Small monkey is found in the forests of Ecuador and Brazil. They usually live in groups of 2-6 tail only. This little monkey weighs about 100 grams and about 15 small cm.waah yes .. ??? yes this monkey can air the appointment on your fingers well and held comfortably.
Small body size makes Pygmy Marmoset monkey easily survive in the wilderness, his tail and claws to facilitate this monkey swinging from one tree to another. They are also able to rotate the head through 180 degrees, this allows them oversee the vicinity.
This little monkey is also known as "pocket monkey" and "small lion". Monkey is included in the family Callitrichidae, species and genus C. pygmaea Cebuella, They Monkey brazil pristine rainforest, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and Colombia.
These monkeys are also many who are interested to maintain it because of his size small and cute, but for the maintenance of these animals is not easy, this monkey pliers require extra care, baby just two hours to eat. And when the monkey did not like the employer did not hesitate to also they bite her.
If you like to keep this monkey you may have thought about before, and also their babies die because in separation from its mother.

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