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Benefits of Grapes and Type-kind

Benefits of Grapes and Type-kind - Grapes are one of the popular fruit, wine is often called the king of fruits, small fruits are small and easier for us to eat it with a bribe, and the grapes are quite expensive if we buy. The grapes are many benefits to the health of our bodies.
Benefits of Grapes and Type-kind

There are 3 types of grapes are based on color, ie red wine, green grapes and black grapes, grape based on the type of course is also different price. Here are some of the content in grapes.

Carbohydrates 18.1 g
Energy 288 kJ
15:48 g sugar
0:16 g fat
Dietary fiber 0.9 g
0.069 mg thiamine
Protein 0.72 g
Niacin 0188 mg
Riboflavin 0.07 mg
Vitamin B6 0.086 mg
0.05 mg pantothenic acid
Choline 5.6 mg 3.2 mg Vitamin C
Folate 2 mg
Vitamin K 14.6 mg
Vitamin E 0.19 mg
Calcium 10 mg
7 mg Magnesium
0:36 mg iron
Phosphorus 20 mg
Manganese 0,071 mg
Potassium 191 mg
Zinc 0:07 mg
Sodium 2 mg
7.8 mg fluoride

The grapes are also rich with benefits for the health of the body such as protecting the body from infection, decrease breathlessness for asthma sufferers, very good for diabetics, grapes contain high antioxidant that is great for skin health, facilitate defecation, can reduce the risk of cancer, and also to prevent migraines. The Benefits of Grapes and Type-kind.

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